
Non-Partisanship Policy

At CrickeTalk, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of journalistic integrity. As part of our commitment to non-partisanship, CrickeTalk strictly avoids accepting donations, investments, or grants from any political party or individual leader affiliated with a political entity.

Our employees, including the fact-checking team, adhere to a rigorous policy that prohibits involvement with any political party, political think tanks, advocacy groups, or NGOs with political affiliations. This ensures our reporting remains unbiased and credible.

Employees are also prohibited from supporting independent political candidates, as doing so may compromise their or the organisation’s impartiality. Furthermore, our social media policy, which applies to all team members, reinforces the expectation that employees refrain from public displays of partisanship in any form. Disciplinary measures are taken in cases of violations, with consequences based on the severity of the breach.

Transparency of Funding

CrickeTalk operates independently, funded through online ads and sponsored content. However, we prioritise your reading experience by limiting ads to socially relevant ones and clearly marking sponsored content with the label “Sponsored” to distinguish it from our editorial work.